Page 16 - Simurgh Global Solutions
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imurgh Global Solutions

                   1) Country risk analysis

                   We conduct the monitoring and analysis of political, social and security contexts in more than 180
                                                              countries in the world.

                                                                     Our warnings,  summaries, notes and
                                                              situation descriptions provide targeted analyses that
                                                              respond to specific needs of companies that moved
                                                              abroad in a way  that anticipates and evaluates
                                                              potential risk for their expatriate employees and for
                                                              the continuation of their activities.
                                                              2) Pre-departure preparation

                                                                  Simurgh Solutionsoffers tailored trainings for
                                                              travellers and expatriates. These services are focused
               on risk and threat control in a foreign environment. They are designed for people who wish to prepare thoroughly
               for their travels and expatriation.

                   Our trainings:

                      a)  training for travellers
                      b) training for expatriates
                      c)  training for kidnapping and sequestration

                   3) Geo-location solutions
                          Geo-location solutions can detect the area where the activity is
                           carried out or permanently geo-locate your expatriates.

                                                                            The tracking is carried out by
                                                                        Simurgh Solutions– Operations centre
                                                                        and applies to people who are moving in
                                                                        dangerous zones or who need to be
                                                                        traceable at any time for security
                              Pre-departure     Geolocation             reasonsHot-line / personal security –
                               preparation       solutions
                                                                        24/7/365 service

                                                                        Service directed at operational assistance
                          Country risk             Hot-line  personal   As part of our operational  services and
                                                      security –
                           analysis                 24/7/365 service    with the purpose to offer maximum
                                                                        responsiveness in emergencies or in case
                                                                        of any threats, SIMURGH SOLUTIONS has
                                       Operational                      opened a hotline.

                                                                          REACHABLE ANY TIME 24/7/365
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