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imurgh Global Solutions
• Management of conflicts and social tensions
In recent years social protests have taken on a new form, sequestration. Being an unconventional method of pressure,
sequestration of management is increasingly used by staffs who want to express their discontent in this way.
Example :
- 29th March2012 - Fnac: 7 hours of sequestration
« Bruno Ferrec is the manager of human resources in charge of Parisian stores who was held for 14 hours
by around 120 employees……..Christian Lecanu, CGT (General Confederation of Labour) representative,
describes the scene of that afternoon: «On our side, the atmosphere is rather good. M. Ferrec is in the
middle of the room, listening and repeating that "negotiations are over". » (Libération)
- 12th March 2012 - Manager of Sodimédical held in captivity
« 30 workers of Sodimédical are holding their director captive» (France 3)
- 22nd March 2012 - Sernam: Director of Miramas platform held captive
« Employees of Miramas platform (Bouches-du-Rhône) of Sernam transporter, in receivership, have held
the director and human resources manager in captivity on Thursday since the night before to protest against
their upcoming contract termination… » (LCI – TF1)
- 11th 2012 – Head of Sullair held captive
« A new episode of boss held in captivity has been happening since Wednesday evening in the Sullair factory
of pneumatic tools in Montbrison, by Loire. Company manager, Yves de Waroquier, has now been held for Page12 Page12
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